Texas Voting

Make Your Voice Heard: Get Out The Vote For the 2024 Primary Election

Did you know that in Texas state politics the winners of most House and Senate seats are determined in the March primary election, not the November general election? Despite this fact, only 12% of voters in both major parties voted in the March 2022 primary election. With so few voters making their voices heard in these critical races, your March primary vote is even more important!

As the number of competitive seats in the November general election has declined, primary elections have taken on greater importance in our elections and hold significant implications for governing and bipartisanship. Despite low turnout overall in the 2022 primaries, turnout increased in that cycle over previous mid-term primary elections, with 55% of voters voting early and 45% voting on election day.

More of your neighbors have been making their voices heard in Texas primaries, and you should too!

The Texas Veterinary Medical Association is stressing the importance of its members getting out the vote during the early voting period of February 20 to March 1 or on Election Day, March 5. In the heavily contested races we’re seeing across Texas this primary cycle, every vote counts!

TVMA is partnering in its Get Out the Vote efforts with Texas Thrives, a coalition of organizations that is encouraging its members to vote for business-friendly candidates “that will empower all Texas communities to thrive.” Texas Thrives includes TVMA, the Texas Hospital Association, the Texas Bankers Association, the Texas Civil Justice League and a diverse array of other organizations from the business community. For more information about Texas Thrives and its guiding principles and for a range of resources for voters, go to www.txthrives.org.